Work Experiences

I keep on learning and doing exciting works for the communities I belong to. Do check it out πŸ˜‰! Ambassador

  • Got selected as 134th ambassador
  • Started Pie & AI: Patna Community for the deeplearning enthusiasts in my campus and Patna city to collaborate and join the global community of
  • Delivered talks and organized 10+ workshops

Innovations' Lead, Developer Students' Clubs NIT Patna

Organized workshops and mentored 10+ projects interested in learning Programming; Machine Learning & Cloud Computing supported by Google & Google Developers.

Joint Seceratary, Mozilla Developers' Club:-

  • Organized the biggest ever hackathon of NIT PATNA, HackNITP 3.0
  • Managed events organized in the Club such as slash-o-code, Git Workshop etc.
  • Mentored 300+ students in the community
  • Developed website of the club and mentoring other web projects of the club
  • Worked in AI projects of the club and created sentiment analyzer, Plant disease detection

NITP WEB TEAM (Feb 2019 – Present) β€”

Web Coordinator of NIT Patna

Lead Web Developer:-

  • Developed the complete official website of NIT Patna

Web Designer:-

  • Designed complete UI for the website

Deterministic Algorithmic Lab (April 2020 – Present) β€”

  • Developing AI based chrome extension which tells a person’s health by detecting how many times he blinks his eyes working on his laptop

ROBOTICS CLUB NIT PATNA (Sep 2019 – Present) β€”

Lead Web Developer:-

  • Developed complete website for Robotics Club

Event Planner

3D Graphics Designer:-

  • Designed 3D arenas for the club events

GirlScript Summer of Code 2020 (Feb 2020 - June 2020) β€”

  • Open Source Contributor- Contributed in the web projects of the GSSOC and gained experiences to open-source